Believe it or Not

Yes.. believe it or not.. our kids.. are a splitting image of us. Like it or not.. they are what we are. So if your kids behave a certain way.. you know.. and admit it.. it’s you.. and your spouse.

Yesterday afternoon, while eating home cooked udon, the brat asked for Pepsi (we only give her a tiny bit if she does have it). We ignored her at first.. and when she asked again.. PB said.. he’ll think about it. And again we ignored her on purpose.

Guess what happened next..?? The brat called out.. “HALLLLL OOOWW..!! can i have my pepsi please.. ???” That sent me laughing so hard.. !! yer know why..?? coz’ this is exactly how PB and I talk.. if we wanted attention.. or telling anyone.. that they are not paying attention to us. MUAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! It’s the way the brat said it.. that made it so funny.. coz’ it is the exact way we would have said it.. kinda dry sarcastic manner. if you know what i mean.

So folks.. donch say .. no .. when your kids behave in a certain way.. examine yourself first.. before pointing fingers.