Fibroids Again

My fibroids are killing me this month..! i am very agitated.. because it is very uncomfy.. when my menses came… this month. PB helps alot more.. when this happens.. and i am very cranky.

Just the other day.. when we arrived at work.. i told PB to go get me a coffee.. since i was in pain.. i really didn’t wanna walk to Tim’s.. not that it’s far though… but it’s just me. When he didn’t go get the coffee immediately (yes.. i’m anal..! when i asked for something.. it has to be done like NOW), i slammed the jug of water.. onto the counter.. and drank from the jug to take my pain medication..! Yup..! very garang right..??!!??

I felt bad later.. but I WAS IN PAIN..!! And please donch even ask why i haven’t taken care of it.. because you know i would if i could..! like right now..!