That Time Of The Month

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Yes.. when you see me eating liver, you’ll know it’s that time of the month again. I wonder how much it has helped with regards to giving me more blood and the ginger with the wind in my tummy.. but I know for sure..i love liver and ginger combined. When I was back home, i never used to order this in the food center because i know how cheap it was.. yet they charge like 9 or 10 bucks for it back then. What you see here.. is only 50 cents worth of liver and 13 cents worth of ginger.. so those hawker hor.. really make big money lor..! big time. And since i can get pork liver and ginger easily.. which i didn’t know when chloe was born.. i now eat them monthly. What about you ..?? do you eat them..?? does it really help..?? did it helped you ..??