No Keegan

No keegan this weekend.. meaning .. i have to be left with the brat .. all alone.. and no grocery shopping on Saturday either. Keegan is going to visit her b/f in Kentville. The things ppl do for love eh..?? Having to wake up and be on the road by 5.30am.. and then taking a 4hrs bus ride… and all. And then coming home the next day at 11pm only. I really wished .. i can show her.. that many years from now.. when she look back.. she might be wondering why she went into all this effort… for we all know.. that BGR at this age.. mmmmm… just well.. lets say.. a waste of time… but nope.. ain’t gonna tell her that.. coz’ we all have to go thru’ it.

Tell me who hasn’t right..?? so in terms of my brat.. when she is older… i too .. will have to learn how to shut up .. when the time comes. Oh well..! now i know what my mum had to go thru’.