2.5 Yrs Late Medical Clinic

This town is a joke.. ! but i’m sure you all know that already. On today’s local papers.. it said.. that the now defunct liquor store will have the medical clinic up and running by December. When the liquor store moved to Starrs Road, they said.. that it was going to be a “free” clinic .. because of the shortage of doctors, so having this clinic will allow those that does not already have a doctor get a chance to see one when necessary.

Now apparently, they are going to house already existing doctors relocating from the hospital with all their patients along.. i supposed.. and “NEW” doctors will EVENTUALLY be settling down and moving in and taking NEW patients.

Seems like a merry-go-round and no win situation .. for those who still doesn’t have a doctor. And once again.. they are quick to point out.. it’s not a walk in clinic… so the ones with NO doctors are still not going to benefit from it. Everything was very vague from the very beginning.. of course.. like most things here. One minute..they say.. it’s a walk in .. and 2.5yrs later.. it’s not..! how long does it take to set up a clinic..??