We Surrender..!

After a few nites.. with not enough sleep because the brat keeps peeing in her bed.. we decided.. to put on her diapers on her again last nite. You see .. we will check her .. at about 3am.. when we are about to go to bed.. and if she is wet.. we have to change her.. wipe her down.. and clean up her bed.. and then pacify her.. and make her go back to bed.. so by the time.. we sleep it is like 5am sometimes.. or sometimes later.

And then she wakes us all up .. at 8.30am.. or 9.30am.. and wants me to wake up with her.. so yes.. we are so tired. So last nite.. we surrendered..! as much as we donch want to.. but we want to get a good nite sleep.

Thank God.. she slept from midnite.. to 10.50am.