Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday..PB ..!! And many happy returns of the day..!! I hope. .muahahahah!!

PB is 35 today.. and having started his business some 9 yrs ago.. that would have made him about 26 yrs old… and he has come a long way.. from being that “shy” and “I donch wanna talk” guy .. to a somewhat established and smart businessman.

I think the most successful thing in his life is probably taking on the role as a daddy. In fact, he has done so much for the brat.. you wouldn’t believe .. how much he has changed because of her. Yes.. he loves the brat alot..! And as much as I hate to say it.. I feel he is more logical with her.. when explaining things to the brat .. like why she shouldn’t be doing certain things.

Yes.. you’ve come a long way.. PB ..! And Happy Birthday .. and many more to come..! There is nothing .. I can buy for you .. that you donch already have… but I gave you the greatest gift.. of all.. CHLOE..! she is your legacy..! She will be .. what you want to leave behind for the world to see.. who you are.