Sleep Like A Baby

Those who said.. that you can sleep like a baby.. donch know what they are talking about..!! when the brat was a baby.. !! she wakes up every few hours.. and till today.. she doesn’t sleep the whole nite. So what do mummies like me do..??

Let me share my secret with you and survive..! Very important..!! no matter what seems the most important.. sleep when baby is napping. Eat a healthy snack before going to bed… because you don’t want to wake up in the middle of the nite hungry.. and gorge yourself sick. And most importantly, as soon as you are feeling tired.. donch fight it.. and go to bed. Like it or not.. it’s healthier for you and baby.. and the man. No snapping at him.. nor feeling sorry for yourself. Housework.. and all the rest.. can be done another day.