The Love Beyond Ourselves

As parents, we all love our kids. There is only one person i know who doesn’t .. and it is a very sad thing.. to be associated with such a person. The love we have for our own kids, are just beyond words.

A few days ago, i was cooking and PB was playing with the brat.. so as to keep her occupied.. and let me cook in peace. PB had carried the brat on his shoulder .. and while they were giggling.. she hit her head onto the passageway to the bedroom. The bump was loud.. and we were so shocked.. because the brat played pretend dead.. and poor PB .. you can see he was panicking so bad..! Both PB and I .. panicked so bad.. we almost cried..! till we saw that she was ok.

Yes.. as parents .. we know we love our brat so much.. that we cannot think of anything that we would do to hurt her.. or any kids. So it is just beyond me.. how some parents we know.. personally, can ignore and totally not acknowledge their own blood. Men or women who refuses to be responsible for their kids.. they produce, shouldn’t even be given a chance to re-produce.