Moms Are Hard To Please

Yes.. first i complained that we are not prepared for the brat’s party.. and when the man brought the brat to order her cake without me.. i got mad..! Afterall, which mummy wouldn’t want a part in picking up the birthday cake right..? Of course the man had his reasons. My fibroids were killing me today.. the whole afternoon.. and only eased off a few hours ago, so he thought he wouldn’t make me walk too much.. and went ahead to bring the brat to pick her own cake at the deli.

Ya.. ya..! i know he meant well.. and all.. blah.. blah.. blah..!! but i still wanna pick my daughter’s birthday cake.. period..! I’m entitled to it you know..! i’m the mummy..!!! First he deprived me of my first treat and tricking with my brat at Halloween .. and now the birthday cake..!! Now i donch even know how my brat’s birthday cake look like until Sunday. Bleh..!