Fixing Her Teeth

We have been called.. by the dentist office.. and was told that an appointment was fixed for putting Chloe to sleep so that she can get her teeth done. We are so not looking forward to it.. and knowing my brat.. who wouldn’t even go out with Keegan sometimes.. it’s not gonna be fun.. when she will be asked to follow the nurse to another room.. without us.

On top of it.. having to be put to sleep for her teeth work.. really doesn’t make me really happy.. but what can we do.. if she needs filling right. And of course there is the store.. if we both needs to be in the hospital with her.. because i donch want PB to be doing it alone..nor do i want to be doing it alone without PB. Not looking forward to it.. for sure. But March 07 is the date.. please do remember to say a little prayer for my brat.. on that day.. 🙂