Sex With A 14 Yrs Old

Before today .. in Canada.. anyone can have sex with a 14 yrs old.. because that was the consenting age. Even at 16 .. i think it is still too young .. to be having sex … and i’m sure .. all mothers out there.. would agree with me. Shocking to you..?? well .. it is to me.. when i first came to Canada.. and quickly learned that it is a baby factory here. Some woman here strive to have a kid every year .. irregardless who the father is.

And hear this.. !! this is the first time .. since 1892 that the consent age had been raised .. to 16 instead of 14 ..!!!! THIS WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY..!! HOLY SHIT..!!!

But the law includes a “close-in-age exception,” meaning 14- and 15-year-olds can have sex with someone who is less than five years older.The Tories said they raised the age, in part, to deal with internet predators. The new law puts Canada’s age of consent in line with those in Britain, Australia and most of the United States.

JOY..!! for all parents out there..!! and i didn’t get this news from our local papers or online papers..!! it would take at least 2 days for new news to reach Yarmouth.. even though it’s electronic..!!!