An Infection

Just a quick update on Chloe, she did her pee pee in the bottle this morning without much fuss. In fact, I was taken by surprised .. because she was fussing about it .. last nite.. and said.. she didn’t want to do it. So i guess explaining and giving her time to absorb .. what was to be done .. is better than forcing her to do it immediately.

We sent her pee pee to the lab this morning.. and an hour later.. the doctor’s office called.. and yes.. she does have an infection. An anti-biotic is being prescribed.. in liquid form.. and she took it .. with very little fuss. She didn’t want to drink the cranberry juice though.

A culture is being ordered by the doctor.. and we will go from there. She seems to be pee less already since this morning even before the medication, and her redness around her peepee area.. is not so red already.