Cutting Back – School Readiness Program


It is things like these that drives me nuts..!! and it gets me all fumed up.. and wanting to shake some ppl up. Parents Place in Y-Town.. is a place where they have programs to prepare our kids for school this coming fall, and because of the short of funding. .instead of 2 weeks.. of this program. .they are cutting it back to one.

On top of it, this year.. there will be a surge of students entering Grade Primary because of the new rule that children turning 5 by 31 December 2008, is allowed to enter school this fall. With the lack of funding, that would mean that there will be less teachers and more children in each class.

Yet.. the town can spend millions of dollars for different things that ain’t important..!! where’s the help.. these ppl should be getting..?? what about my kid..?? the welfare of my kid..??? It is infuriating.. and disappointing. Parents Place is a non-profit organization .. a place where our children, our future .. is being looked after.. and trained.. and helped. I hope against all hope .. that parents who will have children attending school for the first time this fall, will come forward to help. I am .. are you ..??