In Preparation Of My Pending Operation

Yes.. in pending of my operation .. i tried really hard not to clean up after Chloe.. or the mess she makes.. after they are done playing in the tv room. My tv room. .and the kitchen.. is filled with boxes of Chloe’s toys. So i tried.. but today.. as i vacuumed the floor.. i knew there was no way.. i can take it anymore.. and started cleaning out. Packing and discarding.. and moving her boxes around.. so we have more room in the tv room.

I don’t know what I am gonna do .. once i get my operation.. come home.. and need to get rested..?? When i had chloe .. 3 days later.. i was home.. cooking .. washing. .and back to the store.. taking care of the Christmas rush. This time.. with my fibroids operation.. i really donch forsee any difference. I will still have to get up and cook for myself.. and clean.. and vacuum… and do dishes.. and wat not..! *sigh* .. wished i was home.