The Mama BoK’s Pose

A few days ago.. i had taken a Mama Bok’s pose for the famous Karen Cheng’s pose on FaceBook. I had also challenged all of my dear blogging friends to be sporting .. and join me in a Mama BoK’s pose. And Barb from ChumsyAshley .. was the first to send her pictures for the Mama BoK’s pose .. followed by Rose World. So awesome lah..!! these ladies.. and of course, dear Ashley..!! so sporting..!! Don’t forget to hop over and say hi.. from Mama BoK’s pose.


Here is dear Ashley.. doing a Mama BoK’s pose.


This is mother & daughter doing a Mama BoK’s pose.

So what about you ..?? you game yet..?? if i get enough pictures.. i will set up another blog just for it.. or do a Karen Cheng’s FaceBook thingie. What say you ..?? send in your pictures now.