The Man Said My Esthetician Is Hot!

Yup..!! the man said my aesthetician was hot..!! We had a customer that was in the other day.. and we were yakking about how he never had any luck with girls. So i had asked him.. what type of gals was his kind, in which he replied.. he really can’t tell. I told him to give me an example.. in which he replied.. she had to be HOT..!! ok..! men here are not so hot.. but yet want HOT girlfriends..!! got meaning or not..??

We had named a few girls in town.. to make comparison… and PB chipped in to say that my aesthetician was hot..!!! Wah Lau..!! i thought the man didn’t have roving eyes.. now we know.. the true color eh..!!! Werewolf on the prowl..!! muahahahaha!!! What would you do.. if your spouse tells you .. your aesthetician was hot..?? smack him on his head..?? or kick him outta bed..and ask him to sleep in the bath tub..?? Pray tell..!! gotta give him some kinda punishment right..??