I Need A Botox!

I kid you not! Every morning when we are sending our kid to school and I flip open the car’s mirror and put on my lipstick, I cannot help but think how saggy my face skin looks compared to when i was in my 20s. I still don’t look old but you can definitely see that sagging facial skin and there itself you can’t lie anymore. Every time, I would use my fingers to lift both sides of my face to see how it looked when I was 15 yrs younger, and of course feel a wee bit regretful about the droopy looking skin on my face.

I’m considering botox because it is non-surgical, although it is not permanent, it helps decrease the signs of aging and gives a little lift each time, helping it last a little longer. But for those looking for a more permanent solution, Eastcoast residents can look for Dr Porter from Chevy Chase to help them refresh, rejuvenate and to renew their confidence. If you need a nose job, look for rhinoplasty Washington DC all the information you need is there.