I Love School, Mama !

That was what Chloe said to me.. tonite before she went to bed. I was most certainly pleased with that statement.. because there was no prompting from my part.

An update on what Mrs Fuller the Resource, Reading Recovery & 6P Sci/Hlth teacher said.. was that there were certain instructions that Chloe didn’t understand.. like “under & above” (Kate tested her tonite. .and she could tell Kate exactly what was under her bed .. and above) and also she said Chloe doesn’t know our address .. and only knows that she lived in a white house. Chloe also don’t know our phone # or the emergency # like 911. But you see we never taught her that.. because she is always with us..!!! At 4.5 yrs old.. would you expect your kid to know all these..??

She also claimed that Chloe don’t know the words for certain colors. For example if she pointed to “red color” . .chloe would say … “i forgot” or ” i don’t know” .. which is pretty strange.. because she never had a problem with it .. when she is around us. But they want to continue to monitor .. and make sure she doesn’t lagged behind .. or something to that effect.. and will come back to us again. Oh . .and she can’t cut properly (we never let her use scissors .. so that is our bad).

I have yet to address the remark she made to her form teacher about “does Chloe speak in English at home?” I don’t really want to make a mountain over a molehill and become a mountain turtle.. but i had shown the email to a few mothers.. and they felt the same way as I .. but PB of course doesn’t think so .. *shrug* ..! MEN..!