Writing Exercises


These days.. Chloe have to do homework, like writing and recognizing words. I had always thought or made to think that “primary” was kindergarten but I was wrong. Apparently, here in Canada.. or in my daughter’s school.. they expect them to know stuff already. I don’t remember doing this already .. so I am now in kinda of panic mode. I feel really, really bad .. because when chloe fussed up after a long day of school..and i still make her practice writing.. I get upset with her.. and raise my voice. And she would cry and come hug me and say.. “don’t shout at me .. mama! i love you .. you know!”


She is really such a good kid.. and took to school so well.. and yet.. now we have to force her to hurry up.. and learn all these things.. when we could have paced her out properly.. and didn’t. Most days.. i feel like smacking myself.. for listening to “some” people that pre-school wasn’t necessary.. and she will get taught .. once she gets into “primary” school. I’m torn in between pulling her out of “primary” school now.. and putting her back one year in pre-school.. and then go back in next year. Yet.. the school evaluation teacher has yet to call and it’s already Thursday..! *sigh* ..! and kinda upset..!