When Your Baby Is Sick 101


Nah..! this was not taken today.. it was taken on last Sunday. But yes.. my princess baby is sick.. she has got the sniffles.. and cold. We kept her at home today .. so that she doesn’t pass any germs to her friends.. in school. But like all mothers in the world.. i’m sure it’s not an easy feeling .. when the baby is sick.


I feel absolutely guilty.. when she is ill.. and trying to cope.. and being very good nature even though she was sniffing bad.. and not eating much. We brought her to the store.. and she was either watching tv.. or playing with the customer’s kid.. although she made sure she didn’t play with the not sick ones. Those that came and play were sick already.


We had asked her if she wanted to go to school on Tuesday nite.. and she said yes.. because she loves school. On Wednesday nite.. she said.. “we’ll see.. if i feel better.. I’ll go to school.. if i don’t feel better .. i’ll stay home” .. a matter of factly way. She slept early tonite.. even before Daddy came home… at 8.15pm. But it’s really hard to see her sick like that. Don’t want to eat.. and donch wanna drink.. *sigh*. How can not be sakit hati right..?? look lah.. how cutie pie she is.