An Over Zealous Friend

So what do you do ..?? when your kid has an over zealous friend..?? in fact .. not one but two. I know they don’t mean any harm nor want to hurt the brat.. but Chloe never plays rough .. because we never allow it. If you say to her…. “yer not allowed” or “that isn’t very nice” .. she will stop immediately and might even start crying.

One would insist on wearing her coat for her.. even though she said no.. and the other would insist on hugging her tightly and lifting her up the floor. We all know that kids don’t know any better.. and I don’t want my kid to be hurt. So what would you do..?? especially if her parents were there.. and we were there too. We try to see beyond the “getting hurt” part.. but even when the kid’s dad told him not to.. he carried on hugging chloe really tight.. and lifting her up the floor.