Darn Busy This Christmas


Sorry, I haven’t updated for a few days, it had been crazy busy here. With Chloe in school now, she is like a social butterfly, invited for birthday parties.. after birthday parties. On top of it, I am actively raising fund for her school playground & library and supporting her school Home & School Fundraising .. with selling tickets for the Wii. So far we have sold 60 books, 3 tickets a book, so you see how busy we have been.

On the business front, it had been crazy here, everyone looking for presents for Christmas.. we never got a breather the whole week, our store is packed. And of course, there is this thing going on with the lobster fishermen in town that we are encouraged to have lobsters instead of turkey this Christmas. Yes at $3/pound.. you can’t really blame the fishermen and the owners to be upset but having said that.. the fishermen are always whiny regardless.

Presents are arriving for Chloe from all over the world and I haven’t got a chance to sort it out yet and take pictures of. The latest is from Anna in the USA .. thank you for the bento set, I haven’t had a chance to take a picture of it since we are open even on Sundays – The boss is a slave driver – i tell everyone .. hahahahha!!! I’ve resorted to using Etsy or any online store to send presents, from the Body Shop to David’s cookies etc. So if i missed out.. please don’t hate me. On the other hand, i put PB on task to keep his promise to Vien .. from a year ago, i berated him Vien, so I will have a post up .. to show you .. he even packed it up already today.. hhahahahahahah1!! be surprised Vien..!!! We never forget, just so busy .. running a business and having a kid in school. And I cannot thank my sponsors and advertising company enough for the many jobs they give me. My sincerest thanks..!! You know who you are.. 🙂

PS : I am also busy campaigning to get “The Y’arc” to move to downtown Yarmouth, to save the downtown businesses and homeowner and their interest. My submission for a move for the town council to consider their locality needs to be in by 18th, so you see I am busy.