Like Daughter, Like Mother

I was brought up in a different era .. and different culture. I came from a single parent family and i rarely saw my father and since my mother was not in good terms with my paternal grandparents .. nor her own.. I was not closed to any of my cousins nor aunts or uncles. Because of all the above, family is very important to me. I, therefore try to get Chloe’s grandparents involved in her growing up .. to build a special bond them. I also vowed not to bring up my kid up .. the way my mother brought me up ( for example : if she breaks something, I won’t scream nor beat her up).

If I look closely at Chloe, I see me in her.. and because of that.. i am very conscious .. not to get grumpy at her… because we don’t want her to grow up to be a grumpy kid. I’m careful with what I say in front of her.. because she follows my “that’s awesome!”, even when she is in school, encouraging a fellow classmate when they do their school work. So it is true.. that our kids reflect who and what we are and at the end of the day.. what kind of kid do you want your kid to be..?? when they grow up. Kids pick up everything you say and do.. without even trying. We said we were going to get New York Yankees tickets for Christmas present for a g/f’s family from the States.. and she was going on and on about it.. for days. And when my g/f called from USA to wish us Merry Christmas before Christmas .. chloe asked.. did you get your Yankee tickets..?? *slap forehead* . So moms .. does your kid reflect you ..?? talks like you ..?? laugh like you ..??? Are you checking yourself .. constantly..?? I sure am.. coz’ that brat of mine.. is too smart for her own good sometimes.