A Touchy Topic

Tonite I bathed the lil’ brat and she asked me some funny questions. But is it really funny..??? or is it normal for a 5.5 yrs old to be curious..?? I guess it should come as no surprises when your child starts asking questions about their body parts or even about where babies come from. Do you think they are just cheeky questions.. and brush it off…?? afterall, we all know our kids are pretty smart and awesome right..?? so what is the right way to approach it..??

At 5.5 yrs old, i have to understand that my brat knows stuff from watching tv.. and from watching us.. and others around her. She asked me in the tub, if she will have big “neh nehs” when she grows up..?? Is it ok.. if she doesn’t have big “neh nehs?” Do I know what she will do if she have big “neh nehs?” .. muahhahha!!!

I cannot help .. but smile and felt really amused by all these questions..?? you must be asking..?? where are all these coming from right..?? well, moms and dads.. this is just the beginning of many more “funny” questions to come. In which, my reply was truthful, simple and straightforward. I replied, yes, everyone will have big “neh nehs” when they grow up and it’s ok.. if she doesn’t have a big one.. and no .. she cannot have milk in her neh nehs .. unless she is pregnant. Hahahahah!!! and to avoid the questions.. is a definite no-no.. because you really donch want her to be asking some strangers about the “neh nehs” questions.