Raising Kids Who Makes Mistakes


I look at my Chloe everyday .. and hope that I’m doing the right thing with her .. and by her. What do i mean..?? when i see some of the kids around us .. i sometimes wonder what went wrong..?? One day, you see this sweet lil’ kid walk into your store.. and years later.. this kid comes in and sell you some stuff you are quite sure was stolen. His parent is a good woman.. hardworking .. and good. I don’t really know them well, but I know she had been a real trooper.. and gave him everything he needs. So what went wrong..??


Everybody makes mistakes.. and as a parent.. you can also expect your child NOT to be perfect.. but one can only hope not to raise a child to make STUPID mistakes. My heart becomes extremely heavy .. each time i come across a kid .. who smokes.. do weed.. or steal from their parents.. and try and sell them at our store. Worst are those parents who calls you up . . years later.. about their kid who stole from your store.. with no apology and demand that you take her kid’s picture off your website .. because he was caught on video stealing from you.


Chloe asked me the other day.. “mama, it’s not easy raising a kid eh?” i was shocked.. ! where did that come from..?? but yes.. i told her raising a kid is not difficult .. but raising a kid with good morals, honest, integrity .. and not make STUPID mistakes.. that’s the hard part. I watched my daughter everyday.. and enjoy all her funny faces.. quotes.. and many awesome moments.. and i tell myself.. “please God.. help me raise my kid right! help me raise a kid.. who doesn’t lie like there was no tomorrow. help me raise a kid who doesn’t get knock up at 16 or even 18. help me raise a kid .. who takes pride in every action she takes and most importantly help me become a friend to my kid and help me to listen .. when my kid has something to say .. every time and anytime.” Do you know what your kids are up to..?? Are you spending enough time with your kid.. so that he or she doesn’t act up and do things.. that you, yourself cannot believe it .. when seen with your own eyes. I don’t hope this day to come for anyone.. so i caution myself everyday and hope that i have the wisdom when the time comes, i’m gonna have to take some lessons from Aunt Sandra and Chloe’s kai mah eh..?