Don’t Tell Your Mom

As you all know.. i’m spending a lot more time with Chloe these days, well, truth be told even when we had a babysitter, she was pretty much with us in the store.. with her babysitter.. except for the few hours.. they leave for home twice a week. Or when we had errands to run – so we do encourage Chloe to tell us anything and everything.

So the other day, she came home from school.. and outta no where told us that one of the teacher’s aid told her that .. she doesn’t need to tell her mama everything.. and to go to them.. if she had any problems.. made me frown a little. Oh .. don’t get me wrong.. i’m sure.. the teacher’s aid meant well.. but you know .. Chloe is only a kid.. and they really have to explain .. what exactly, she doesn’t need to tell us.. and in what situation.

Kids at that age is very impressionable.. and i’m afraid.. that Chloe or some other kids.. who might have been told the same.. might end up not telling anyone about anything.. should they get bullied outta school.. or not within the school compound. Or worst.. if they were abused at school by a teacher.. are they not supposed to tell anyone..?? or tell on the teachers who abused them..?? like i said.. i don’t think they meant anything bad – but definition of such must be very, very clearly spell out for the kids.. because if my kid was abused in school – i would definitely want to know. I’m trying not to make a mountain outta a molehill, so i told Chloe and drilled it in her.. that i am her mama .. and i need to know everything.. because there is nothing wrong in telling her mama what happened in school or anywheres. There are a lot of bad ppl out there.. as long as they are not family .. you trust no one.