Different Kids Different Pace

Chloe had been in her new school for 2 days now – so far so good – crossed our fingers. She claimed that there were no orange cards nor red cards like her previous school – I think this is making Chloe a lot happier because there is no stress there. Before, she is afraid of everything in her old school. We asked her – what about the naughty kids in class? what does the teacher do? Chloe claimed that there were no naughty kids thus far and we were not the least bit surprised because Chloe’s old school did have a reputation for naughty kids (kids comes from different background and brought up differently – we guessed).

This year – we also noticed how Chloe loves to write – previously – she just wouldn’t wanna recognized words nor attempt to do anything with them. This year – she writes a lot better – even better than I .. hahhaha!! so yes – different kids have different pace and as parents we need to know that and not get pushed into something the school wants of our kids when they are not ready.