Seeing The Positive Of Your Child

I often complained that PB don’t see enough of the positive side of Chloe – instead – he likes to growl at her. I know he doesn’t do it intentionally but that’s the way he is. To me – he sees the bratty side of Chloe – the side where she wants to get into his way all the time and seeking for attention all the time. To me – he sees a child who has no manners and interrupts us whenever we have to talk to a customer. I can fully understand PB’s frustration sometimes – I’m no saint either and of course – we want to teach Chloe the right ways too – but she is but a child – and sometimes I find that PB forgets that. I too, forget that sometimes – and have to constantly remind myself.

But I am able to constantly see the positive side of Chloe – like today – I brought her to the park and she wanted to pick chestnuts with another kid – and she was quite a distance from me – but I need not shout for her to come back – she motioned to me that she was going further but when she saw that i shook my head – saying no – she told the other kid – that she wasn’t allowed to go further. Now that i call positively amazing ! to me – I think she was really sensible.

This evening – after supper I wasn’t feeling good – and told chloe i was gonna lie down for a bit. Sure she came in several times and insisted that I have some light on – in the bedroom even though my door was open. But that’s only because she is a kid and she needed some sort of assurance. She came in several more times and woke me up each time – but I see the positive side in her – she still let me lie down for a bit. Are you seeing the positive side in your kid? I’m trying to make PB see those positive side in Chloe and not growl at her so much – just because she is being a kid. What about you?