The Teenage Years

I haven’t been sleeping good recently and keep thinking of Nick – PB’s nephew who took his own life recently. Just the other night I dreamt about Nick and I was trying to hold on to him – when I woke up I couldn’t go back to bed. I told PB about it – and his reply was – ” don’t loose sleep on that selfish prick!” I was kinda taken aback – because people who take their own life – do it because they think they have no hope – some do it because they have an imbalance in their body. And whatever reason Nick took his own life I don’t know and never will. But people who resort to this – is not to be taken lightly – it’s a kind of sickness – sometimes it is not even within their control.

I fully understand why some people cannot tolerate this action or selfishness – some may even be angry with them. But let me tell you – this condition is not to be taken lightly – and they are not even in control with what they are thinking at that time. Teenage years are not the same – don’t compare yours with theirs – because things are just different. So parents – be alert – be careful – and be supportive, learn to listen – and learn to be there for them always.