Kids & Vitamins

Like every parent – we want what is best for our kids – from buying them the most expensive books to nourish their mind – to getting them the best multivitamins to nourish their bodies. I’m no different and I strongly believed in multivitamins for kids – as well as ourselves. Of course, the doctor had said that if your kids are given a well – balanced diet – they don’t need any more vitamins. But if you have a kid like mine who don’t like greens – then you’ll have to find a vitamin that can supplement that right? Yes – I’m the official helicopter mom – but nope I don’t overdose her with vitamins – although I’ve heard that if you feel like a cold is coming – you should get an overdose of Vitamin C. Anyhow, I’m sure if you are a mom who cooks home cooked meals a lot for your kids – and is a stay at home mom – it will be easier to monitor their diet – but for moms like me who needs to work, it is harder so don’t feel bad if you are making your kids take vitamin because you feel they are not getting enough from their food.