The Famous Yarmouth Fog


Yes.. this is the famous Yarmouth Fog. Even during the summer.. we get alot of fog .. making visibility really bad. Quite used to it by now.. but still donch like it at all. We have many days like this here.. and very lil’ days.. where we can go out in the backyard.. and enjoy the golf course.


This is right in front of our house.. at about 6pm yesterday. And you think summer was just round the corner. Living in Y-Town.. doesn’t surprised us.. when the weather turns this way.

Marriage..?? What Marriage??

90% of the women here in Y-Town have babies.. and not all of them are of age yet. But even those who are .. of age.. adults.. 90% of them.. are not married to the father of their child. They remain as boyfriends and girlfriends.. and would rather continue this way. To hear someone getting married is very rare and to hear that someone stayed in their marriage is even rarer.

Yes.. the whites here.. do not believe in getting married.. they become girlfriends and boyfriends here only .. not even cohabitation .. for some.. because that would mean.. that it eats up on their welfare money .. if you cohabit. So if you think your girlfriend married a white man and moved to say United States or Canada.. they might not even be married .. just common-law-spouse.. and it is VERY COMMON here.

I Had Too Much Sex..!!

The things kids say.. and have no shame about it. If my brat say something like this.. in another 10 yrs or so.. to me.. or just about to anyone.. i would most definitely .. dig a hole .. and bury myself in it.. or wish that the grounds would open up .. and swallow me in.

A kid (17 yrs old) was in the store.. a few days ago.. and when i asked her why she wasn’t in school no more.. she said.. because she was expel. I donch quite remembered how the conversation went.. but i found out she had to go for an operation .. to prevent her from having cancer.

Being the naive me.. i asked.. how can one prevent someone from having cancer.. when you don’t have it yet..?? in which she replied, a matter of factly .. “I had too much sex .. with different guys.. and there is a mass in my cervical area.. and they are going to take it out! so i won’t get any cancer”. No remorse, no shame .. no nothing.. but more like .. “it’s not my fault..! it’s the hospital’s or my mother’s” kinda attitude. JOY ..!!! to be her mother..!!

Sex With A 14 Yrs Old

Before today .. in Canada.. anyone can have sex with a 14 yrs old.. because that was the consenting age. Even at 16 .. i think it is still too young .. to be having sex … and i’m sure .. all mothers out there.. would agree with me. Shocking to you..?? well .. it is to me.. when i first came to Canada.. and quickly learned that it is a baby factory here. Some woman here strive to have a kid every year .. irregardless who the father is.

And hear this.. !! this is the first time .. since 1892 that the consent age had been raised .. to 16 instead of 14 ..!!!! THIS WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY..!! HOLY SHIT..!!!

But the law includes a “close-in-age exception,” meaning 14- and 15-year-olds can have sex with someone who is less than five years older.The Tories said they raised the age, in part, to deal with internet predators. The new law puts Canada’s age of consent in line with those in Britain, Australia and most of the United States.

JOY..!! for all parents out there..!! and i didn’t get this news from our local papers or online papers..!! it would take at least 2 days for new news to reach Yarmouth.. even though it’s electronic..!!!

Some Ppl Just Loved The Older Women..???

I’ve been living in this town .. for a good 8 yrs.. and I swear the men here .. loves the older women..!! I’m so not kidding..!! Observation is very important.. when you own your own business eh. A customer was in today.. and i recognized him as the husband of an older woman .. from many years ago .. and today.. he was with another older woman.

A kid i know.. ( literally a kid) .. is living with a much older woman.. maybe 20 yrs .. his senior. And one of PB’s cousin .. had been with this nice older lady.. for more than 15 yrs..!! the lady is older than his mom. Hell.. I’m older than PB…!!!!! but according to PB .. it’s the older women .. who loves the darker more macho younger men..!! muahahhahaha!!!

The SeaGulls Are Back !


I donch know if you are aware of this. .but where I am living.. in Nova Scotia.. we are surrounded by the Ocean .. and when one sees the seagulls coming back… it can only mean one thing to me… !! the warm weather is gonna be here really soon. This is the first of the seagulls i’ve seen this month. During the summer.. we see flocks of them… all over town.. because just behind our the ocean. Awesome..!

Continue reading “The SeaGulls Are Back !”

The School I Want


When Chloe was born, we had planned that we would move back to the country .. just before she starts school.. that way she can go to the school her father was in.. and nearer to her grandparents. 4 yrs.. later.. we still haven’t realised our dream .. because of our business… or rather PB’s business. This is actually my ideal school for Chloe.
Continue reading “The School I Want”

Happy Spring Day, EveryOne!


Happy Spring Day .. Everyone..!! it’s unbelieveably hot at 18 degree celcius out here.. in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. If this is any indication of summer.. which i donch think we are so lucky.. we might just have a better summer this year. I can’t wait for Misha’s Cafe to be opened.. !! they are my only hope .. to good food around here.. and at best prices.

Stupid & Silly Rules

I had called my gynecologist’s office this morning to make an appointment to see the gynae, sometime next week. And guess what the secretary told me..??? That i need a referral from my family doctor.. since I haven’t seen him for some time now..! *slap forehead* !! What kinda rules and regulation is this anyways..??? I’ve seen him before for years.. and i stopped because i wasn’t gonna do an op till later.. i WAS his patient before.. so WTF..!!! This is so aggravating..!! i’ve never had to go on a round about trip .. back home..! it must be a Canadian thing..??

The Dollar Store

The Dollar store is God-send ..!! yes… everything for a buck..! and it’s great when you have kids..! because you and I know.. how much a kid wants to buy presents. The brat is no different from other kids.. but she is quite happy with the dollar store toys.. although some can be really poor quality.

Now if only they had these Dollar Stores when we were kids.. that would have been great for parents of my mother’s time. The poorer kids wouldn’t feel deprived at all. I remembered even bicycles were made and imported from UK .. so you can imagine.. how deprived even those in the middle income family were.