Pizza Everyday

One gotta wonder.. how ppl can eat pizza here ..on a daily basis..?? I see lots of ppl walking to the pizza joint next to our store.. and get a piece of pizza everyday..! How does one eat PIZZA everyday..?? Well .. of course.. the size shows too.. when one eats pizza so regularly like some of the ppl do here.

Firstly, I swear i would kill myself.. if i turned out the size of some of these ppl here.. who even though the size they are.. still wanna eat pizza.. on an everyday basis. And secondly.. if i had to eat pizza everyday.. !! please kill me too..!!

You should really see the size of some of the ppl here.. oh boy..!! the huge bums they have.. and some got stomach dropping on the floor..!! I kid you NOT..!

I Can’t Fathom These Ppl

Yesterday afternoon, while Chloe was watching TV.. and PB and I were busy doing our own things.. with a few customers in the store.. an ex- worker .. from 3.5yrs ago.. walked into our store.

I looked up.. and didn’t greet s/him as soon as i realized who it was. I’m not trying to be rude.. but really ppl like that .. i cannot phantom..! This fella .. bad-mouthed us.. even till today.. and the lastest was to Keegan our babysitter… !! asking Keegan to be careful of us.. because we deducted his pay of $120.00 3.5yrs ago. But he also conveniently forgot to tell Keegan’s b/f why we deducted his pay.

3.5yrs ago.. when I was having Chloe.. we hired him on.. to help out because I was going to deliver Chloe.. and being Christmas.. the store was very busy. Instead of helping us at the store.. thus giving PB and I free time.. to deal with the hospital and having a new baby.. everyday.. he loses money from the cashbox. Many a times.. we caught him giving back wrong change. And worst of all… he refused to collect a deposit from customer/s who had placed special orders during Christmas.. thus we lost some customer/s and irate a few too. His reason for not collecting a deposit was that “he didn’t feel right” since we didn’t have the product in stock”!!!!
Continue reading “I Can’t Fathom These Ppl”

Many Fathers One Child

I find it really amusing.. when the women here.. make their kids.. call their current b/f .. dad or father. There is this kid .. that i’ve watched him grow.. and do you know.. each time the mother changes b/f .. he gets a new father.

The best part is.. everytime.. the mother is with someone new.. she disses the old b/f .. and of course.. now thinks that the one she is with.. is the best. But i can boldly tell you .. the new one is never better.. not that the old one is .. to start with.

I always wonder why .. women here has such low-esteem of themselves.. to even go out with the losers they are with. These men they are currently with.. has no jobs.. bum around.. and spend their money.. and lived on them. Not that the women that changes b/f so often are so great to begin with.. for 10 outta 10 is on welfare.
Continue reading “Many Fathers One Child”

Like Dat Also Can..Ka..??

Yesterday.. at the store.. a customer came in to ask PB when he would be going to her house.. to look at her puter.. and in the meantime.. she had asked PB to loan her 5 bucks. I didn’t hear it.. and only gotten to know about it.. later in the evening.. when PB and I were alone in the store.

5 bucks isn’t a huge deal.. to be honest.. but PB was afraid.. that if he starts doing that for her.. she might come back for more.. in the future. Isn’t it funny that ppl can go around asking another for money..??

Oh .. btw.. she is the one .. that expects PB to drop everything.. and send her home in his car. So last nite.. PB sort of said.. something to the effect that it was my fault.. for offering her rides.. in the first place. But how would i know she would be this way leh..?? I asked PB to offer her rides.. because she have walking difficulty, so i wanted to be kind ma.. but as usual lah.. we kinda be like sucker like that..!

It’s a Black Thing .. Maybe..??

We have a huge sign on the display window that we have a huge game sale on.. saying.. “Buy 2 get 1 Free”

Yesterday a black guy came in .. and bought some PS2 games.. he chose 2 at $14.00 and stopped and asked PB .. if one was free..?? Sometimes.. one gotta wonder.. what they donch understand about “Buy 2 .. get 1 free”..?? After explaining it to the black guy.. the black guy then picked a $30.00 one.. and asked PB if the $30.00 one was free then..??

Arrrghhh..!!! you buy 2 .. get 1 free.. and the free one has to be the one with the least price.. of course..!!! Now this is not the first black guy that came in to ask those questions.. ! I am really wondering.. if it’s a “black” thing or what..???

Stupid Thief Part II

Cont’d from Stupid Thief Part I

Well.. we had the “stupid thief” pictures put up on our Wall of Shame. And when one particular customer came into the store one day.. i casually asked him if he knew the person on the wall. Well .. guess what..??!!?? As soon as he show the picture.. he knew exactly who he was.. hahahhaha!! too funny..!! his cousin..!!

Customer got his wife’s brother and sister to come in and identify the picture too. .and told us where he is working and all.. and which department..! And promised to go by his house.. and have a chat with him. Like I said. .the crooks are stupid lah.. here..!! this is such a small town.. someone is bound to know who you are.. you can’t escape..!!

What happened next.. ??? To be cont’d .. Part III .. don’t missed it.. it’s the real juicy part..!

Daylight Robbery

Holy Shit..!! And he said that it is hard to make a living doing repairing in this town..??

Our 53″ TV went bonkers during the winter.. and because it was winter.. we decided to not repair it right away, afterall.. we’ve got priorities right… and there are like 3 spare tvs around the house.. that we donch use.

Yesterday.. we got our big tv fixed.. and when he quoted less than we expected.. we were actually quite pleased with it. And then hor.. PB saw the damn bill.. he charged us $150 freaking dollars for labour.. for 2hrs of work. That nevermind, when we checked on the internet the part he replaced.. it only cost 10 bucks.. but he charged us like 90.00 .. now that’s abit too much..!! He must think we are “water-fish”..??

We are very unhappy lor.. because we service computers for only 20bucks an hour.. and here.. ppl ripping us off.. the way they do.. left, right and center.. and some more the tv man.. can say .. he can’t make a living..?? Wau Lau Oiiii..!! KNNCCB..!! 300 bucks.. can buy so many diapers for my daughter you know..!! I can understand if he charges like $150 bucks for everything.. but this is ridiculous lor..!

Peas Going Good

I’m so happy for my in-laws.. ! this year.. the peas are growing good.. and the first batch was so sweet and sugary.. and they picked a fair amount of peas to sell to this year.

My FIL just told me this morning.. that they are charging like 3.50/Ibs this year.. all time high. I hope the weather.. and the crops continue to do good.. because last year sux big time..!

And if anyone deserve a good year.. it certainly has to be my in-laws.. ! they worked so hard.. and got cheated of so much money last year.. by some good-for-nothing fella..!! I hope .. that fella rot in hell.. get sun burn everytime he walks outta the house, the house he is in.. falls down on his stupid head, his asshole burn everytime he takes a dump.. everytime he eats .. he gets choked.. everytime he showers.. his hair drops.. his g/f leaves him.. and he can’t find a job, when he drinks water.. he gets drown.

Please add on whatever curses you can think of.. ya.. 😉

Tall Ships Nova Scotia Festival

The Tall ships has been here every year.. but i’ve never gotten to go to it. The arrived in Halifax yesterday.. and will be in town .. sometime this week.

This year because of Chloe.. we are gonna try and make it into the tall ships. Maybe .. we can dressed up as pirates..?? hahhahaha!! anything is possible eh..??

7.50 also DONCH HAVE..!!

Ppl in this town hor.. never fail to amaze me lah..!! $7.50 also donch have..!! can die or not..!!! If i didn’t have 7.50 .. firstly .. i wouldn’t go into a movie store.. and try to rent a movie. Secondly.. if i didn’t have $7.50, I think I prolly should go DIE..!! of maluration..!!

But really..! it shouldn’t have surprised me.. because.. some ppl come in to ask how much a cd-rw is.. and cannot even afford to get it .. gotta wait for welfare day.. or baby cheque day..! Yes.. can die..!! I for one can never lived like that..! What about you ..??