Fall Here For Sure

As much as I hate to admit it.. Fall is really here. The nites are really chilly and even in the afternoon.. it gets too windy.. for comfort. This year.. i’m not as protected towards Chloe as I was .. in the last few years. She wears a light sweater now.. with no vest but i still make her wear stuff that is long sleeves.

Yes.. i think i am becoming pretty Canadianized lately. I’m pretty sure i am.. coz’ i never used to curse at all..! NEVER ..! not till i came to Canada….!! These days.. you mess with the Crazy Chinese Woman.. you are IN for it..!! muahahahhaha!!

Ok.. fall is here.

Winter Holiday

If you donch know by now.. winter is the time..where ppl over here takes their holiday..! Yup.. you heard right..! why..?? winter is so hard here.. and cold…!! you just wanna get away.. and feel the sun.

But for those .. who goes to Jamaica or Cuba or the Caribbeans for holiday for a week.. and then come back… i think the reality that hits is even worst.. then for those who didn’t go. For me anyways. Can you imagine.. soaking and basking in the sun and beach.. and then coming back.. and stepping into the cold soil of Canada..! Now that wouldn’t be nice at all. But still.. for some.. like one of PB’s uncle and aunt.. they leave for Cuba every year.. during winter.. without fail.

PS : A check with PB, he said.. Cuba seems to be the most favorite destination for the ppl in this town.

Preparing For A Big Storm

It’s the hurricane season here in Canada.. and we may be hit by it. We are just a week away from the peak season of this climate change. Newfoundland saw a post tropical storm last week, lots of rain and flooding there.

We were hit hardest in 2003, when Hurricane Juan smashed through NS, we ere very lucky .. because it missed us in Yarmouth, but Halifax was hit really hard. Seven people dead and more than $100 million in damages.

So if you donch see me online for a few days.. or a week.. donch panic.. it prolly means our town is hit by the storm.

Nicest Weather This Summer & Stuff

Today has to be one of the nicest weather we have had this summer.. 🙂 not too hot.. not too cold.. and the wind nice and warm.

I think the whole town must be at the beach.. not much going on in town today..! But business has been brisk today.. although not many customers.. those that came in spent big money.. not just a movie or two.. but buying a few games.. and few movies.. or some computer parts.

Today.. Mr Choo .. from the chinese restaurant even came and brought us Yang Chow Fried Rice.. and told me.. that if he makes any home-made soup.. he’ll bring me a bowl. Cool eh..??!!??

Candy Rainbow

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We were preparing to leave for Grammie’s place yesterday.. and Chloe was shouting. “CANDY RAINBOW…!! CANDY RAINBOW..!!”

I tell yer.. my brat never fails to amaze me.. !! i donch know where she gets that smart mouth from… 🙂 And i’m pretty sure.. i wasn’t able to say something like that.. when i was 3.5yrs old.. hahhaha!!

Continue reading “Candy Rainbow”

Preparing for a Pounding

While we are here preparing for a nice Sunday outing.. Hurricane Dean Roars into Jamaica and the Jamaicans are preparing to get pounded..!

I donch know if you are aware of it or not.. but Canadians.. loves to take their holidays in the Caribbean.. and one of the spots they go to.. on a yearly basis is Jamaica. I hear that some from Canada is stranded there.. because Air Canada had canceled some flights.

Those in Cayman Islands are stranded because flights are only operated on Sundays. And airports are closed on late Saturday nite..! I would really be devastated.. if i were there on holiday and can’t find alternative to bring my families home safely .. and what about those who have got loved ones stranded there.. and can’t do anything.. because the airport is closed..?? Can’t even hire a private jet.. to bring them home.

So say you have someone in Cayman Islands.. and no flights going there till sunday.. what would you do..?? Yes.. i would try to hire a private jet.. to bring them home. I know it’s gonna be expensive.. but i’ll do what it takes.. to bring them home for sure. Even if it means.. everything i have. What about you..?? What would you do..??

Sucky Weather!

It’s pouring outside.. !! luckily .. we got into the store.. before it started to pour again..!! And as you all know.. sucky weather.. brings in more customers for us.. !! And true enough..! customers are coming in left, right and center.. to get movies.. and games.. 🙂 One customer just rented like 6 movies.

I just hope it stops.. when it is time for us to go home. And i donch know if they went ahead of the shark scramble today.. no news even on local news today..!!

La Zha In The Makings

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The weather has been so hot and humid.. we’ve been dressing chloe down.. and these are very rare times.. that you see her dressing so little. That day .. she wanted to play with the glow sticks that were already not glowing.. since she used it a few nites ago.. during the seafest. And she looked like La Zha in the makings not..?? hahah!!

Continue reading “La Zha In The Makings”

Weather Nuts

The weather has been nuts..!! it so humid.. and hot here today..!! and it’s really uncomfy.. if you donch have the fan blown directly at you.

I know.. i know.. i complained it is always cold.. and now that it is hot.. i also complained..!!! But really uncomfy leh..!! so what to do..?? complain lor..!!

Actually i donch mind the weather.. but it’s chloe that i’m worried about .. she refuses to drink her water.. and stand somewhere cool.. and of course she is whiny ..too..!! like right now. And refuses to pee too.. !! Now PB is shouting at her.. “I’m coming..!! stopped the whining ..!!” he said.

The Weather Is Driving Me Nuts

You would think that since this is summer hor.. we will get some really good weather right..?? NOPE.. YER WRONG..!!

Weather suxs so bad..!! it’s either too hot and humid.. or it rains.. or worst thunderstorm.. or the wind is so cold..!! Every year .. we wait for winter to be over.. from as early October .. winter would come.. and doesn’t end till next May, yes.. it’s that long. If you have been reading my blog for a long time, you will see that Chloe is always dressed up real warm .. because of the cold here. And then when you think you will be getting some good ones.. this is what we get… and i’m telling you .. it’s every year..!

It sure suxs..!! i cannot even bring chloe to swim in the beach.. because the wind is either too cold.. or the water is too cold for comfort. Alot of ppl here are so used to the weather. .and they think nothing of sending their kids into the beach and water.. and they wonder why their kids are always sick .. and kenna pneumonia. DUH..!! *shake head*