From A Distance

I think i am that kinda person who like to be friends with ppl from a distance. Maybe i am crazy.. but being too close irks me.. !! it makes me wonder…. when my friend/s will start acting crazy on me .. like some that i’ve experienced here.

When i was in singapore.. i used to be too busy… and all my buddies.. were either from work.. or from my college years.. and most of them were too busy too. But we do keep in touch.. when we fly out to wherever they were .. or when they are in town.. for work. I also send out various holiday cards religiously .. and birthday cards too.

We catch up.. whenever we are in close proximity of each other.. by having luncheons.. and dinners. Our relationship has always been healthy.. and close.. and informative… exchanging contacts.. talking about family and work.. and the good ole days.. or ex-colleagues…. you know stuff.

So yes.. i think i do well.. with any relationship .. from a distance. I donch want my friends to be dropping in everyday.. and needing to share every spare minute they have with me.. just small dosage of some every other week would be fine.. 🙂