Chloe & Her Corner Table

Chloe is into the corner table in our living room these days. She would carry it everywhere she goes.. and sit under it.. or have it sitting in front of her.. or crawling under it.. but most of all.. just carrying it around alot.. and making us all very nervous.. for the corner table is quite heavy.

I’ve resorted to hiding it for now.. in our bedroom.. because i don’t want her to get hurt. And prolly bring out the toy that grammie bought for her.. when she was a baby .. so she can lug that around.. and it’s plastic.. so it’s not so bad.. and won’t hurt so bad..if she pokes herself.. somewhere.. or someone.

This afternoon.. i’m gonna go shopping with her.. to try find her a tent or tunnel.. to play with… weather permitting .. that is.. 🙂