Blogger’s Choice Award – Hottest Daddy Blogger

I nominated Simple America for the Hottest Daddy Blogger, the same time i did with the other awards but was unable to pimp his blog.. coz’ they didn’t have a banner for it yet. And today .. still nothing for this award… so i’m using a general banner instead.

Why i think SA is a Hot Daddy Blogger..?? Because he is full of experience.. and a wise man.. and not only have i learnt a thing or two from him.. about child-raising.. and running a business.. SA, never fails to encourage and sympathize.. or put in a kind word or two on my blog entries. With such an understanding character.. how can i not find him the Hottest Daddy Blogger .. leh..?? Plus hor he got Asian wife ok..!! So another brownie point .. for SA.. !! in my opinion anyways.. 😉 Afterall .. it’s only the brave that marries an Asian woman.. right.. SA..???

So .. everyone.. go support Simple America in the Hottest Daddy Blogger Award .. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee….. !! pretty pleaseeeeeeeeeee……!!!???!!