Trying but not succeeding

I have been trying to catch up on my blog hopping for the last 2 days.. but i haven’t been very successful… as you can see. I even put answering the comments on my blog on hold … just to try to finish reading my favourites.. but from yesterday.. i either have to attend to customers.. or when i got home cooked for the brat.. and then continued cooking for myself.. when PB got back.. and then washed several rounds of dishes.. and cleaned the bathroom.. and more cooking.. and putting away food for the next day.

And today.. non-stop of customers.. !!! everytime i wanna sit down and start reading.. there comes in one customer .. either asking questions.. buying stuff.. or those that wants to know where PB is.. so they can sell their junk to him. Of course.. dear chloe wasn’t letting up today either. Yesterday she was pretty good.. but today.. she wanted company .. even when watching her movie.. but she did finished her lunch on her own.. so that was a plus.

This evening .. i have keegan babysitting for me.. but PB got 2 house calls to make..! and of course.. he wants to show .. the existing security cameras customers.. the new camera that came in for testing. So how leh .. to blog hop..?? Arrrrghhh..!!! and tomorrow.. gotta go for my x-ray.. my heart.. “bip bop.. bip bop” just thinking about it..!! Wished me luck ya.. !! pray for me..!! go to the temple .. anything that can help lah..!! that the x-ray comes back with nothing but clean bill of health.

PS : Wah Lau.. !! if i got TB like the doctor in Halifax said hor.. i think the whole town .. already kenna infected..!!