Too Smart Folks

Got a call from the X-ray department in the hospital as soon as we got into the store .. this afternoon. Apparently, the radiologist needs for me to be there.. to make sure that i was the person who took the x-ray yesterday before he would sign the papers for me.. and give me the CD. JOYYYYY..!!!!

So in other words, the technician who took my x-ray cannot vouch for me..?? that it was indeed i.. who took the x-ray yesterday..?? my photo was on that freaking piece of form you know..!! So now i have to make another trip up the hospital to get it done..?? How freaking smart is that..???

I mean sure.. they are all nice and all.. but c’mon man..!! i have things to do too.. and you are just delaying my freaking report..!! The joys of dealing with “garmen” hospital..!!