Very Awake but Tired

Yes.. i’m still very awake.. and giving milk the 2nd time to the brat.. because she wanted it. Chloe is having a very bad stuffy nose.. thus she can’t sleep too well. I feel really bad… because there is so little i can do.. except to give her milk..and be there for her.. when she wakes up.. due to can’t breathe properly. I know even as an adult.. it can be quite fearful .. so i’m sure .. she is doubly frightened.. if she is encountering difficulty in breathing.

PB had gone to bed at about 2 plus.. thank God..! coz’ he needs to take the morning shift.. if i am gonna be having a long nite. I’m tired.. but i won’t be able to go to bed.. till chloe is sound asleep.. otherwise.. she would still be waking one of us up.. and breaking our sleep.. and that’s even worst.

So i’m praying she would sleep till at least 9am.. since it’s already 4am here.