Blogsome Down

Blogsome was down yesterday from 6.30pm my time here in Canada.. right up till .. i donch know what time the next day. But when i got up at 6.30am .. it was up and running again.

But i tell ya.. the fear i had.. of losing so many years of writing .. and 2000 over posts. Now that was really a scary thing. Which makes me come to a conclusion .. that i should go and transfer everything to my new dot com blog .. that PB had paid for 2 years for me. But i’ve been really lazy.. and haven’t done a thingie about it.

On top of it.. i can’t find any info.. on how to transfer everything from this blog to my new one.. that is hosted and have my own domain name. If there is anyone out there.. who is on the same platform as I .. please let me know.. if you have any ideas. And yes.. it was really scary .. once again.. for all my pictures and everything.. that i’ve recorded for Chloe is priceless.

Well .. of course i had planned to reply all the comments yesterday.. and i wasn’t able to do a thing..!! that was a real bummer..!!