Down & Down

Arrrghhhh..!! i’m freaking sick..!! yup.. ! and i thought i wasn’t getting it .. when PB and chloe got ill during the weekend. But yesterday came.. and i was so damn sick..!!!

Running nose.. headache.. sore throat..!! i hate the sore throat part though..!

And then this morning.. i woke up with a really, really bad headache.. and boy .. was i feeling lousy..!! i didn’t think i was able to go into the store.. at all today.. but i took a shower.. and took some tylenol.. and came into the store.

I do feel alot better now though.. i took more medication after coming into work and my throat donch hurt so much. I just wished PB would get me some ice.. to crunch on.. and not look disgusted when i am doing it. Sometimes.. i wished i can stay home.. just because i wanna crunch my ice.. because my throat just is a bitch to take care of.. and crunching ice .. keeps my sore throat at bay.