Neglecting Yer Kids

Sometimes, when i read on another blogger’s blog about how mad they get.. when they cannot do as much opps .. or that they get all upset.. and cranky.. when their internet is down.. and cannot complete their assignments.. it makes me really sad. Why..?? because shouldn’t our kids be more important above everything else..?? It makes me reflect on my actions.. and check if I am too neglecting my kid..just because i wanna pick up abit of money here and there.

We claimed to spend quality time with our kids.. but are we really kidding ourselves..? I donch have a maid at home.. who could help me .. to accompany my brat.. everyday.. and 24hrs a day nor help me to do my housework. I have a babysitter who comes in 3 times a week.. during the summer because she is on school holiday.. but once school starts, Keegan goes back to her 2 days a week .. for babysitting instead of 3. My MIL comes only when line-dancing starts and babysits for me.. while waiting for her Bingo session to start at 7pm.

So how do one balance it all..?? what is fair to your kids.. and your family and home.. and if you are working.. is it right.. ?? to do paid posting.. during office hours..?? when you are being paid.. to work for someone else..??