Package With Love

This is the second package that came this month for Chloe and I. The first was from Irene from Alberta – Bit & Pieces and now another big package from USA. This is from Chloe’s Auntie Greenapple.. (to-be-chinese godparents) , inside were goodies for both Chloe and I and another very thoughtful gift of wedding pictures and a CD of her wedding. Wait i post all pictures up later ya..!

I was kinda afraid .. that it might not arrived.. because this isn’t the first time.. Greenapple sent gifts of food.. and presents to us. But i guess it took so long.. because .. custom stopped it.. as it wasn’t declared. So they opened it up apparently.. and kept it there for a few weeks longer.

Thank you very much.. Greenapple..!! we love all your gift.. and chloe is very amused with hers. Pictures to follow ya.. 🙂

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