Malaysian Bloggers Making An Impact

The Malaysian Bloggers are making such an impact in Malaysia.. that I am in awe of them. Bloggers in Malaysia are passionate.. about a cause. Be it political or for food .. or just covering events .. or stating their claim in a particular part of their life, they are doing it at full force. No .. we don’t really see such fervent enthusiasm here, in fact when i was asking an owner in town to do an article about his store for my traveling blog, he had asked the man.. what a blog is.

There are a few younger people i know that has a blog but they are not doing anything the way the Malaysian bloggers are doing or anywheres near it. I do feel a tinge of sadness .. when i do get to talk to them, for most keep a blog to show their partying weekends.. and how they managed to knock themselves out in the toilet bowl. What is the mentality of the bloggers here and the mentality in Malaysia/Asia…?? is it because in Asia.. we have to fight for everything . .and here we donch have to..??? because it’s laid out in a serving plate for those who wants to take it..?? Can I make a difference..?? me one person .. ?? We need more Malaysians here.. !!