Testing Outdoor Furniture


We are in the market to get some patio furniture.. and as you can see.. who the tester is.. and liking it alot. She even had everything arranged nicely.. and laid on the outdoor set.. as if she was taking a nap on it. And promptly said goodbye to the patio furniture as we were going towards the car.

Asian Women On American Men

I’ve noticed a huge community of Filipino’s ladies marrying the American or Canadian men and i read in one blog about how this nice Filipino woman was looking to introduce to her cousin a good man from the West. I’m sure her intentions are good .. and everything nice.. but I’ve also seen some who are married to alot older man than they themselves are.

I do wonder many a times.. if it was really for love..?? or a passport outta poverty…?? I, myself am married to a white man.. and I’m very sure.. that most Asians agree with me.. that it is not a bed of roses.. nor paradise on earth. I know when PB and I got together.. the white women here.. weren’t too pleased.. because I snagged one of the eligible bachelor in town. Some were quite hostile too. On top of all .. the weather.. is harsh every year on me… and i resent Winter time.. in fact i hate it with a passion.

Shouldn’t one marry for love.. and not for looks.. and educational background.. or financial background..?? Is a union so filmsy.. that you just jump onto the bandwagon .. at the first sight of a white man..?? Is there really true love..?? i see some really odd couples on the net.. and I do wonder. Maybe someone can enlighten me.. from the Filipino community..?? I have a real life example in PB’s family. But that would be another story for another day.

Cutting Back – School Readiness Program


It is things like these that drives me nuts..!! and it gets me all fumed up.. and wanting to shake some ppl up. Parents Place in Y-Town.. is a place where they have programs to prepare our kids for school this coming fall, and because of the short of funding. .instead of 2 weeks.. of this program. .they are cutting it back to one.

On top of it, this year.. there will be a surge of students entering Grade Primary because of the new rule that children turning 5 by 31 December 2008, is allowed to enter school this fall. With the lack of funding, that would mean that there will be less teachers and more children in each class.

Yet.. the town can spend millions of dollars for different things that ain’t important..!! where’s the help.. these ppl should be getting..?? what about my kid..?? the welfare of my kid..??? It is infuriating.. and disappointing. Parents Place is a non-profit organization .. a place where our children, our future .. is being looked after.. and trained.. and helped. I hope against all hope .. that parents who will have children attending school for the first time this fall, will come forward to help. I am .. are you ..??

After My Operation

The first thing I want to do after my operation and of course recovery time, I want to put on some sexy swimwear that i haven’t been able to for the last few years because I have an ugly look fat tummy..!! yes.. the uterus is pretty high.. and if you see me now.. you would think i am pregnant all over again..! even my father in law said the same thing.. a few months ago.. muahahha!! so embarrassing hor..??!!!??

The Man & Pap Smear

What do men know about Pap Smear??? Asked 10 men.. and they vaguely know what needs to be done when the wife or g/f needs one. Does your man know what you have to go thru’ when you go for your Pap Smear…?? why do woman like me hate to do our yearly pap smear.. but must do it .. because it is like “required” by the health law book.

Then the man asked how come I don’t do my Pap smear .. instead of telling the gynae otherwise..?? It was because i didn’t get to shower before going to the doc’s office. So you all tell me lah.. would you take a pap smear.. ?? if you didn’t shower..?? Honestly..?? i can’t do it..!! can you …??

Kitchen Crazy

I love my kitchen alot and that’s because I spend alot of time in it cooking up home cook food for my brat. I really try to make her 3 solid meals from home.. and even though i bring her to work with me, food is packed. I’m so proud of my kitchen because even the kichen cabinet knobs are specially ordered to blend with the rest of the house. PB said i am kitchen crazy .. but can you blame me.. when i had a state of the art kitchen back home..?? How many of you .. go kitchen crazy like me..?? and buy all sorts of knick knacks.. to make a theme outta your kitchen.

Fibroids Update

Just a quick update to let everyone know that I’ve seen “God” – the gynae and after a good long talk .. I have decided the best way to treat my fibroids is to remove it. An operation will be scheduled shortly and I shall update everyone as soon as i get the date. I’m preparing for my stay in the hospital and one of the things that I told PB i must have is a laptop when I stay in the hospital .. or if they don’t have internet connection, I need to bring the portable dvd that we have in the store else I would really be bored.

Medication Time


We really lucked in on Chloe in alot of things. For example here.. taking her medication. You see ..she gives us no trouble.. taking her medication, i have seen some kids puke and scream .. and cry.. and throw tantrums.. because of taking medication.. but not this brat.. she would even squeezed them outta the syringe.. and feed herself. Awesome kid..!

Male Hair Loss

If you think that woman folks are the only one suffering from hair loss and they are embarrassed by it.. well you are wrong. I know of plenty of men who are losing their hair.. and covering it up by wearing a cap all the time. It is definitely no fun losing your hair.. whether you are a male or female.

Fortunately, hair loss treatment such as procerin an all natural supplement is available without prescription. It comes in a form of a tablet and topical solution and can be used daily for treatment. There are many causes for hair loss and by taking Procerin it reverses hair loss in men. I would try it.. wouldn’t you ..??

The Brat & Her Grampie


The brat is very fussy .. when taking her pictures with Grampie. We never have any great pictures of her and her grampie.. so I was extremely pleased with this one.. but you see the bribe.. over there..?? yes..!! had to bribe her with her indulgence.