This Wonderful Town

As you all know .. i can’t get my blood transfusion .. right away.. because it takes like 8 hrs.. on Thursday.. and another 4hrs.. on Friday. So in the meantime, I called my family doctor’s office.. to find out what i can eat.. or do.. in order to keep me from collapsing.. since he said.. i was severely anemic. I finally got thru’ the office.. and i asked the secretary to ask the doctor .. about it.. and you know what she said..????????!!!??????? She said.. i should google it…!!!! so if i can google and advice.. why would i need a family doctor for..??? infuriating as it is.. I am wondering if she remembered that once upon a time.. she was just like us a patient.. and wasn’t the doctor’s secretary…?? I wonder what she would say .. if i asked her for a recommendation for a drug rehab eh..?? google it too..?? i won’t be surprised at all.