One Month In New School


So Chloe had been in her new school for a month now. We just got back a note from her teacher about her performance – i guess you can called it a performance report . .no..?? And I’m pleased to report that she “M” – mastered most of all that was expected of her till now.. but the only thing she didn’t “M” in was the names of her classmates. The teacher had written that she was a lovely girl too – in which i have no doubt about because Chloe is pretty well behaved in public – not to blow my own trumpet. We are thus far pleased with the school, although there isn’t any fancy bar faucet in the washrooms like some elite schools back home, it is pretty much a good school. It also seems to me that they have a lot of support from volunteers and there are lots of Teacher’s assistants around as well. They had just visited the apple farm the other day.. and we were told that they didn’t need any volunteers even though we readily volunteered ourselves – unlike her previous school where they really take any help they can get. This was taken in the morning . .while getting ready for school – i continue to hope she will continue to be happy every morning .. when preparing for school. Nothing is more stressful to send your kid to school when they are crying and in distress.