Vitamin D – For Your Kids


So i’ve slowed down on my writing recently – due to unforeseen circumstances – but that’s alright coz’ i can do more stuff with Chloe and look for pet beds for my best g/f from home. You see buying it back home is pretty ex and they probably don’t have the same stuff.. so i am buying them for her here.. and then bringing it home with me.. next year.. when i go home for a visit. Anyhow, i also have more time to do more catch up on my reading .. and plan for more activities for Chloe, so the unforeseen event turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I’ve always believed in making the best outta any situation .. and staying positive at all cost is my motto, afterall, Chloe is my only daughter.. and i need to do what is best for her.. and the rest are secondary right..?

So i read that the Vitamin D can do a lifetime of health benefits for our kids..?? Chloe is already taking a vitamin E supplement because she doesn’t take a lot of vegies. So what does Vitamin D do..?? and how much do they need to build strong bones and help prevent serious health problems in the future..?? It looks like the vitamin D can deliver a wide range of benefits. It is said that vitamin D plays a role in the prevention of seious chronic illnesses .. such as type 1 and type 2 diabetes.. and multiple scleriosis, cancer, heart disease and mental health problems like depression .. and schizophrenia. And since i have diabetes.. and rumor has it.. that it will run in the family.. i have no choice.. but to keep abreast on stuff like that right..?? So yes..! i’m heading out to the pharmacy .. and getting some for Chloe. But i’m gonna check with the pharmacist and see how much a kid can take.. becuase i read that one shouldn’t take more than 1,000IU of it a day – plus don’t forget to tell the pharmacist what you kid’s diet is already.. this will help determine how much your kid is able to take. Overdosing your kid with vitamin D is not advisable .. because it can make your kid feel nausea and long period of overdosing can lead to kidney stones and damage to the heart, lungs and blood vessels.