Nope, I ain’t no superwoman but it feels good to clean and purge the house because it is so needed. I think we accumulate too many things in our lives. And there are just too many things that we ain’t using and wasted our money on. If I could turn the clock back, maybe I would do things differently? I don’t really know but we do indulge in a lot of stuff as I can see when I’m purging. And that ain’t good. Hopefully, I’m able to change my habits and those of buying stuff for my kid because I didn’t get things I wanted when I was a kid and trying to compensate myself thru’ my kid.
Yes, I’m tired and I know I shouldn’t be doing so much (much for this instant because I’m recovering) but I can’t just sit and do nothing. Especially this lockdown , I ain’t gonna waste time like I did the last lockdown. No way … I better be useful if I didn’t have to go to work.